Built in operations

apai-io comes with some built in operations.


The ItemSearch can be used to search products in the amazon database.

Please see the following documentation for more information.

Finding movies with “Bruce Willis” and keywords like “Die Hard”

use ApaiIO\Operations\Search;

$search = new Search();
$search->setActor('Bruce Willis');
$search->setKeywords('Die Hard');
$search->setResponsegroup(array('Large', 'Images'));

$response = $apaiIo->runOperation($search);

Finding books “lord of the rings” and the condition “used”

use ApaiIO\Operations\Search;

$search = new Search();
$search->setKeywords('lord of the rings');

$response = $apaiIo->runOperation($search);


The ItemLookup can be used to lookup a product in the amazon database.

Please see the following documentation for more information.

Getting the item with asin “B00D6BN9NK” -> link

use ApaiIO\Operations\Lookup;

$lookup = new Lookup();
$lookup->setResponseGroup(array('Large')); // More detailed information

$response = $apaiIo->runOperation($lookup);


The SimilarityLookup can be used to lookup similar products of the given asin in the amazon database.

Please see the following documentation for more information.

Getting similar products to asin “B00D6BN9NK” -> link

use ApaiIO\Operations\SimilarityLookup;

$similaritylookup = new SimilarityLookup();

$response = $apaiIo->runOperation($similaritylookup);


The BrowseNodeLookup can be used to browse the amazon product nodes.

Please see the following documentation for more information.

Browsing the node “163357” (Comedy)

use ApaiIO\Operations\BrowseNodeLookup;

$browseNodeLookup = new BrowseNodeLookup();

$response = $apaiIo->runOperation($browseNodeLookup);